Our Work
he Duduk Specialized School of Gavar has about 22 students. The school received a leather dhol.
The instruments were delivered on 06/13/2021.

The Music School of Lchashen has about 80 students. The school received a saxophone and clarinet.
The instruments were delivered on 06/13/2021.

The Music School of Noratus has about 255 students. The school received a qanon.
The instruments were delivered on 06/13/2021.

he Music School of Gandzak has about 100 students. The school received a duduk and qanon.
The instruments were delivered on 06/13/2021.

The Henrik Talalyan Music School of Gavar has about 200 students. The school received a piano, clarinet, dhol and two shvis.
The instruments were delivered on 06/13/2021.

The Children's Music School No. 2 of Vardenis has about 140 students. The school received a qanon and six shvis.
The instruments were delivered on 07/15/2021.

The Mher Mkrtchan Cultural Center of Vardenis has about 150 students. The center received a piano, acoustic guitar and dhol.
The instruments were delivered on 07/15/2021.

The Music School of Chambarak has about 90 students. The school received a qamancha.
The instruments were delivered on 07/15/2021.

The Children's Music School of Vardenik has about 102 students. The school received a qanon and two violins.
The instruments were delivered on 07/15/2021.

The Music School of Martuni has about 180 students. The school received a piano, qanon and duduk.
The instruments were delivered on 07/15/2021.

The Music School of Karmir village has about 300 students. The school received a piano.
The instruments were delivered on 07/15/2021.

The Music School of Gai has about 80 students. The school received an acoustic guitar and violin.
The instruments were delivered on 04/15/2021.
The Music School of Arevshat has about 80 students. The school received several instruments, including dhols, dap, shakers, tambourine, and a cajon. The school also received a ukele donated by singer, Garik Papoyan.
The instruments were delivered on 06/15/2021 and 08/18/2021.